Category Archives: mini quilts

Pink Elephant stuffie and wall hanging

560Remember LAST year when I did that flannel baby suite??  Go here for a refresher.IMG_7707

Well, I TOTALLY forgot that I said I’d make a wall hanging.   Char has been SO patient!!IMG_7708

I’m lucky she’s a friend!!    IMG_7709

And to say I’m Sorry, AND Happy Birthday…..IMG_7710

…how about a tiny stuffed elephant???!!IMG_7712

It is based on the tutorial by BustleAndSew, but I had some issues and kind of freeformed it.  IMG_7714

I sure hope Amy loves her new critter.IMG_7715

I know I had a blast making it!!   And I’d like to make a few more.   I imagine they’d sell at the craft fair.  IMG_7716

peace and pieces,

Sportlov Sussi (Skating Sue Swap)


Yes, she came!  Look at her!!!!  Isn’t she awesome?  And ALL the way from SWEDEN!   I know, I know, I shipped to Australia–why shouldn’t I get an international Sue in return.   But still….I was surprised!

Look at the “fur” detail on the hood!20121206_091903

Awesome word fabric.   I assume it’s a foreign language, but not really sure!  It’s not English, that’s for sure!  LOL20121206_091909

The tiny wonky log cabins-I keep seeing this but havn’t tried it yet.   They are so cute and quirky-I really ought to try it.20121206_091918

Even the label is awesome!   She paid SUCH attention to the details.20121206_091926

AND I even got extra goodies!!   Chocolate, salted licorice (I can’t wait to try that!) floss, a moose medallion, and some scrap fabrics.  The hedgehog print is to DIE for!   I’m trying to figure out what to do with it.  Maybe some Wonky Log cabins with the scraps?!  Could make a great mini for spring!!!20121205_124510

Getting the envelope totally made my day.   I stopped the mail lady on my way out because I was expecting a box from Connecting Threads.   It was supposed to rain and I didn’t want it left on the porch.   She handed me this envelope first.   When I saw that it was from Sweden, I screamed!!   I am a tad ashamed to admit this,  but I sounded like a preteen at a boy band concert!  The mail lady laughed as I tore into the envelope and showed off the quilt.  20121205_124153

See?   Told you I tore into it!!   So go take a peek at Lizzie’s blog, at Swedish Scrapper.   I just spent some time there myself.  She has these teeny tiny log cabin blocks, and an amazing New York Beauty doll quilt.   Very talented woman!  Thank You again, Lizzie!!!  I LOVE my Sportlov Sussi!!!!(by the way, she says that is roughly translated into Winter Break Sussi)

And don’t forget to drop into The Quilting Gallery–this is where all the swaps and blog hops are!   Another blog hop with giveaways will start on December 10th!

I think the Brown Eyed Boy is finally asleep.   Back to Jemma the Long arm, and the 50 Shades of Camo quilt!

peace and pieces,


Witchy Sue–A FREE Paper Pieced Pattern

I am super excited to announce the debut of

Stitches and Kisses

Dorothy Gautier and I have joined our brains, and are creating the CUTEST series.   This is just the first of many.  We are not sure of the exact format, but keep your eyes open.

So here she is!   Our first Baby–Witchy Sue!  PDF file is here—–>Sunbonnet Witchy Sue

This is the same block in fabric!

Isn’t she SWEET?  And here is Dorothy’s version.   We have made a few changes since she made this, but you can see how the fabrics she used gave the project a different look.  The FLY and broomstick were both from a magazine about 3 years ago.   If anyone can identify the magazine issue, PLEASE let me know so we can offer proper credit. 

I made mine into a pillow slip cover. 

Isn’t Sue perfect?

Just remember that Stitches and Kisses will be releasing more stuff as the months go on.  Keep your eyes pealed!   Dot and I are AWESOME together!!!

peace and pieces,

Glorious Autumn Block Party!

The Giveaway is closed.  But please enjoy the free pattern!!


The wonderful Michelle at Quilting Gallery has been giving us a walkthrough to these amazing blocks!  In her words…

“Over 15 weeks, 45 designers will create 12″ blocks for the Glorious Autumn Block Party. These blocks will be featured, three per week, on the Quilting Gallery site starting September 4th. In addition to the blocks, there will be Super Deals for Quilters from our favourite online retailers. Be sure to check each designer’s post, as many will be offering give-aways on their own site that everyone can participate in.”

My bio with some cute pics is on The Quilting Gallery‘s main page.

And now it is MY turn!!   Here in SW Louisiana, teal season has already opened.  Duck and goose seasons will open shortly.  The hunters around here get up before the sun, and sit in their blinds (usually freezing their patooties off) and wait for the sun to rise.  This is my representation of a goose in front of the sunrise.

The base of the block is easy, but tedious.  I used 1 inch squares to make a bargello-ish block.   Took me a WHILE, but they all came from the scrap bin.  Leftovers from strips sets, bits from squaring up quilts, etc.  I sat down and picked out 14 shades.   This was what I had the first time.There was WAY too much pattern.   Soooo, I flipped most of them over!!!!   Yes folks, you ARE allowed to use the backside!  Doesn’t this look MUCH better?

You will need 1.5 inch strips.  I could have used the bargello method-long skinny strips, sewn with strip piecing, etc but I had several pieces that weren’t going to work.   Sooooo, bunches of tiny, 1.5 inch squares!!!

I STRONGLY recommend some sort of labeling system.   I did not, and the cat decided it made a great resting place.   And when she skeddadled, the pieces went everywhere.  Thankfully, I had the above picture to reference!  Darn cat.

This will take concentration.   I recommend a glass of wine, and nobody to interrupt you.  LOL  I used the EQ mockup to keep my rows in order.  You can do one row at a time, or several, or all.   That part is up to you.  Once you have the 12 rows (sorry-forgot the picture) sew them into pairs.

Then put all the rows together and press VERY well!

The take the template plain duck and create your applique.   (Yes, I know it’s a goose.   Not sure why I named it duck)  I used raw edge with a blanket stitch to hold it down.  The pattern is already reversed.

In this picture, I have already added a 2inch border in the darkest blue.

Finish it whichever way you’d like!  I added 3 rows of Flying Geese, and a panel for a Welcome sign.

Next order of business, a GIVEAWAY!!   I hand picked, especially for YOU, 10 Fat 1/8s. 

I visited my local quilt shop, Quilts Bayou, so these are all good, quality quilter’s cottons.   Aren’t these yummy?  I see another wall hanging, or a bag.  Perfect colors for fall!!  To win this bundle, tell me what your favorite fall food is.  That’s it!   No hoops.   I’d LOVE if you’d subscribe to my blog, or visit me on FaceBook, or even Twitter.   I have Flicker too.  And Pinterest!  But the ONLY requirements are that you comment below, AND that I have a way to contact you.   (I have to re-give away a set of mugrugs from 2 weeks ago, because the person who won hasn’t gotten in touch with me.)  A name will be selected no earlier than Friday, October 6, 2012.   For those of you who are NOT quilters/sewers/crafters, I offer you this—if you win, I’ll make a table runner or small wall hanging with these fabrics instead.  Deal??

It would also be awesome if you’d at least check out the 2 other designers this week.  We all worked very hard on our blocks.   Sew Joy creations  and Harding Hill join me this week.  And for the entire list, head to the Glorious Autumn page!

Thank you again for visiting.   I really hope you enjoy my block.

peace and pieces,

Wedding Wall Hanging

So I have another wall hanging to show off.  This lovely couple will be married Saturday. 

A friend, Mrs Beryl, owns From Simple To Elegant and will be gifting this.  If you are local, consider hiring her for your next event.

I used poly batting for the extra fluff.  I like the POOF that the G has.  Gives it more dimension.

I turned my label into a small pocket. It holds my business cards right now, but a program can be folded and tucked in, or any other small momento.

I wish many many happy years to them!!

peace and pieces,

swap items and an AWESOME lunch!!!!

First of all, I’m saving a block swap from flopping.  I have 3 of these made and will make 3 more today.

FlyFoot from Quilters Cache

And then I signed up for another mugrug swap.  I’m taking the opportunity to try new things.  This time I wanted to try curves.  The theme was “Birds”.  Well, curvy flying geese sounded good to me!  But when WildChild heard about it, she insisted on Zucchini the Quaker being used.  So I present, the Flying Zucchini MugRug!

It wasn’t perfect, but it was a tad easier than I had feared.  The geese themselves were easy as pie!  Just those darn curves.  In fact, I messed up and it was too small.  Hence, this funky add on!  oops

But I’m happy in general, and I hope my partner is too.

Now the garden–holy COW some of it is amazing.  My herbs are doing well, but the catnip and basil have skyrocketed!

WildChild with Catnip

Who knew herb blossoms would be so pretty!

nosegay of basil and dill

Some of that basil was put to GOOD use!!  I made a SUPER yummy sandwich today.  Doesn’t it make you drool??

and I didn’t save you  a single bite!!!!  hehehe   Sorry!

Off to finish those other blocks, and work on a WAY overdue project before starting on the new Baby Suite!   The “Pink Elephants” one was shipped today and will be in her hands friday.  So stay tuned for those!


peace and pieces,

Another FREE Paper Piece Pattern!

Yes folks, this is Big News #1!  I have another pattern ready for you all!!  I created an extra just in case I needed it.

Yup!!   The Monarch Butterfly that can go with the Lazy Daisy!  The SewHooked Garden party went SO well that I decided I’d better just release this!  An altered version of this will be a part of the 18″ super block I’m working on.

It’s hanging on my front door!  LOVE IT!  When the 4 part series is finished, I’ll release all blocks one at a time, block of the week style.

For the PDF pattern, click here ——————>  Monarch Butterfly

Off to the Long Arm!!

peace and pieces,

New Beginnings mini received!!!

Good Morning all!!!   It’s taking me 3 days to get this post to you.  There is just WAY too much on my plate!!  But this is from MY partner Crystal!!

Isn’t it ADORABLE????   You can check out her blog here.  LOOK at the embroidery!

I rarely do handwork–You ALL know that.  And this is FULL of hand embroidery.  I’ve never been brave enough to try that yet.

The eggs are my absolute favorite!!

And of course, the Apprentice loves the bunnies!

Thank you SO much, Crystal!!   I truly love it!!!  It is hanging on my front door and will likely be there through June!  LOL

peace and pieces,

The Quilting Gallery New Beginnings Blog Swap

You’ve been watching my progress.  You just didn’t know it! This is the newly named “Butterfly Kisses” pattern that I’m working up.  SOON it will be available as a free PDF tutorial!  This was the first version with extra colors.  I honestly like it better than the 3 color version, but the tutorial already took FOREVER!!!

I actually sat down long enough to handquilt this.  I NEVER do anything by hand.  I just don’t have the time.  But I forced myself.  And I LOVED it!!   I started with echoing everything in white.  but you KNOW I had to add my butterfly.  Long story, but I screwed up and messed up my fabric!!   The light blue covered a very poor marking decision on one of the squares.  And then, I LOVED IT!!!   So I added some orange peel-ish quilting too.

I’m really happy with the way this turned out.  But even BETTER—My PARTNER seems to love it!!   She is a quilter named Kelly.  Her life seems very similar to mine (poor lady!!  LOL)  Go check out her work!  Her blog is A Plain Path.

Strangely enough, I had this all the way done, and had started on the quilting when I finally checked out her blog.  And found where she used the SAME fabric to make a hexagon project!!  Was that kismet, or WHAT?  I hope this gives you as much joy, Kelly, as I had while making it!!

Now, the OTHER project!!!   I used a pattern/tutorial from Moda to make a Baby Quilt!

Isn’t it beautiful??  Yes, you Connecting Threads fans–this is yet another one of their fabric collections.   This one is quite old, but I never had a good reason to use it.  The back is cute, but simple.

Those specs are the pins, before the flaps were sewn down.  Now—-WHO can I give this to??  SOMEONE needs to have a baby girl!  LOL

I’m in the middle of about 4 other projects right now, plus the craft fair NEXT WEEKEND!!  AAAKKKK  Wish me luck.  Because I’m about to lose my MIND!!

peace and pieces,

Last poll to name the quilt!

Sooo, here are all of the names that had 5 votes or more.  It ended up being 8, because I had 4 or 5 with 4 votes!!!!   This is the last round, unless there’s a tie.  Vote for your favorite name.  The person who nominated that name will win the pink version!!!!!  So, GO VOTE!!  OOh—and I’m almost done with the binding on the very first version of this pattern.  I’m soooo PROUD of it!!  Pictures tomorrow!!

You may pick THREE this time!  And this is the pattern you are voting for!  Original post showing variations is HERE.  Voting will close when I get up Saturday morning!!